Tomorrow, I will be standing in silence with hundreds of other bloggers to raise awareness and pay respect for the families in desperate need in Japan.
Utterly Engaged and Ever Ours joined forces to create For Japan With Love, which has a direct link on the website to the fundraising page for ShelterBox, one of the first responders to Japan after the quake and tsunami. Each ShelterBox relief package is tailored to the nature of the disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items.
So far, For Japan With Love has raised over $16,000 and the number continues to grow with the support of people like you and me. Please give today and also spread the word!
Tweet: Help Japan via @UtterlyEngaged and @Ever_Ours #forjapanwithlove
Crafting away for a wedding...
13 years ago
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