Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Goal: Size 10 by 10/10/10

{Photo from}
Two weeks ago, I made a new commitment to myself: Get to size 10 by 10/10/10 (our wedding day).

I decided to jump-start my health and make being healthy in an integrated way (mind-body-spirit) a part of my life, not an add-on. It's convenient to make the "due date" our wedding date. And ultimately, I want to live life to the fullest with my husband-to-be and our children. Practicing a fit lifestyle every day starting now will allow us to do it.

It didn't start off easy:
  • Day 1 (9/21/09): Bootcamp with 74 others at 5:30 in the morning (I am not a morning person). After 40 minutes of intense jumping jacks, sprints and relays, I got so dizzy I had to lay down or faint! Nonetheless, my friend and I walked half the lake (1.5 miles) afterwards.
  • Day 2 (9/22/09): I decided to walk my dog, Munch, around the lake (3 miles). I had believed for the longest time that I needed to lose at least 10 lbs. to even run, but that day I told myself I could jog if I wanted to. And I did! I've never run without stopping until that day.
Ever since then, I've jogged every day -- even Munch is having trouble keeping up. Woo-hoo!

To motivate myself, I wrote out what I'd have to give up to reach my fitness goal. I vowed to give up:
  1. Being too hard on myself (this one is tough because I tend to be a perfectionist)
  2. Carnitas (oh, Trader Joe's $3.99 carnitas are my cryptonite!)
  3. Feeling bloated (yes, I can't wait to give this one up!)
  4. My "big" clothes (Crossroads Trading Company, here I come to trade in)
  5. 1-2 hours every day (to exercise and cook instead of watching TV right after work)
  6. Believing that I will fail after 2 weeks (so far, so good)
  7. Believing that jogging the lake or beach with Munch isn't fun (so not true!)
  8. Resistance to changing the status quo
Week 2 is coming to an end. I have yet to buy a scale, but I'm gauging my success so far by the way I feel and how my clothes fit. To date, I'm definitely feeling less pressure on the waistband and I'm feeling confident that my resistance to change is lessening.

If you have any stories or tips to share, please let me know! Thanks!

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