{Photo from WeddingDates.com}
Two weeks ago, I made a new commitment to myself: Get to size 10 by 10/10/10 (our wedding day).I decided to jump-start my health and make being healthy in an integrated way (mind-body-spirit) a part of my life, not an add-on. It's convenient to make the "due date" our wedding date. And ultimately, I want to live life to the fullest with my husband-to-be and our children. Practicing a fit lifestyle every day starting now will allow us to do it.
It didn't start off easy:
- Day 1 (9/21/09): Bootcamp with 74 others at 5:30 in the morning (I am not a morning person). After 40 minutes of intense jumping jacks, sprints and relays, I got so dizzy I had to lay down or faint! Nonetheless, my friend and I walked half the lake (1.5 miles) afterwards.
- Day 2 (9/22/09): I decided to walk my dog, Munch, around the lake (3 miles). I had believed for the longest time that I needed to lose at least 10 lbs. to even run, but that day I told myself I could jog if I wanted to. And I did! I've never run without stopping until that day.
To motivate myself, I wrote out what I'd have to give up to reach my fitness goal. I vowed to give up:
- Being too hard on myself (this one is tough because I tend to be a perfectionist)
- Carnitas (oh, Trader Joe's $3.99 carnitas are my cryptonite!)
- Feeling bloated (yes, I can't wait to give this one up!)
- My "big" clothes (Crossroads Trading Company, here I come to trade in)
- 1-2 hours every day (to exercise and cook instead of watching TV right after work)
- Believing that I will fail after 2 weeks (so far, so good)
- Believing that jogging the lake or beach with Munch isn't fun (so not true!)
- Resistance to changing the status quo
If you have any stories or tips to share, please let me know! Thanks!
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