Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Inspiration #54: A Tulip Chandelier

Okay, crafty-nistas -- how can I make this stunning display on my own and for no more than $100?!?! This is fantastic, so whimsical and modern at the same time. I suspect I can buy the hanging votive holders from CB2 for $3.95 each and substitute the tulips for an inexpensive bloom. This would be amazing hanging above the bride and groom's sweetheart table.

Any suggestions?

8 love notes:

Kat Wynn said...

girl! thanks so much for those tips... God knows I need as much help as possible =) I'll check those out right away <3

Alaina said...

how about dandelions? :)

this is gorgeous, I like the yellow petals on the navy blue backdrop.

I wonder what type of material is used underneath the moss to anchor everything? maybe you could use styrofoam.

Vera D. said...

Alaina, I hadn't even thought about the anchor. My guess would be that florist foam would work. Dandelions or carnations might work too...although I've noticed carnations can be pricey.

Vera D. said...

I got a couple really good leads on how to make this work from a couple of my friends on Facebook:

Y.F. says: How about some copper tubing from urban ore, covered with spanish moss, or an old Yoga/Pilates roller covered in moss with hanging blooms of the season. You might also want to go to Michaels or Costco and see if they have any clear christmas ornaments on clearance in place of the votive candle holders.... just a couple of ideas :)

B.A. says:
i always go to the Flower Mart (6th st in sf) for bulk blooms, especially tulips and potted flowers. if you can't find tulips there, you'll still find lots of different flowers that are in season--making the project even cheaper, greener to locally source, and just as lovely! the glass part can be easily modified for cost if you choose. i often ... See Morefind pretty votive holders and tiny bud vases at crate and barrel outlet (4th st in berkeley, BEST SOURCING EVAH) for like 50 cents...worth a schmooze anyways. for the framework at the top i'd recommend simple plumbing pipe (steel rather than PVC so that it won't bend in longer lengths.) it's very inexpensive at most hardward stores and not as heavy as it sounds.
this is very pretty...i'll look forward to seeing the VDV customized version even more!

Kim said...

If you like yellow with brown, sunflowers are inexpensive. I love this idea!

Emilia Jane said...

this is gorgeous. what about paper flowers? kind of like this table but upside down?

Vera D. said...

Emilia Jane -- wow, thanks for sharing the link, the handmade fabric flowers are fabulous!

Spcialt said...

If I were going with fresh flowers I'd probably do PVC in a 4 or 5 inch width pipe. I would drill holes all along the length pack the inside with the floral foam. And then arrange the flowers in the holes, and then the moss over that to conceal it all.

I worry about the added water weight though. And the drip potential. The logistics all around might be easier if you consider doing this in smaller sections vs one single long arrangements. Hung closely together, you'd get the same effect.

I'd like to try something like this with roses.

Another option would be to use chicken wire. Its also very light and you can shape it however you want.

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